Denver, Colorado Family Law Attorney

Denver, Colorado Family Law Attorney

Many of these matters can be quite stressful and emotionally traumatic for clients. I am committed to making the process as painless as possible. One way to do that is to encourage the parties to settle their dispute out of court, often through the process of mediation. This path is typically far less traumatic, especially for any children affected by the case. Rest assured, however, that if litigation is necessary, I will work with you to prepare for and present your case in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

Colorado Divorce Lawyer

Divorce can be a stressful process.  As part of the Colorado divorce process, you will need to deal with the division of property and debt, allocation of parental responsibilities (parenting time, decision-making, child support, custody), spousal maintenance (alimony), and other issues.  It is important to have a Colorado Divorce Attorney that can guide you through the process in a way that minimizes the stress and cost as much as possible.  I will work closely with you to determine your priorities, to negotiate a settlement if at all possible, and, if not, to prepare for and conduct a hearing as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Divorce Decree - Denver Colorado Lawyer Attorney Family Law Estate Planning Domestic Partnership Dissolution Domestic Partnership Agreement Gay Rights LGBT GLBT

In most respects, same-sex divorce, or gay divorce, is handled the same way under Colorado family law as is hetero divorce.  The process and issues to be addressed are identical, with some added complexities for same-sex couples that are common law married.  There are a few issues related to LGBT and same-sex common law marriage that are still unanswered in our state law.  I have handled many same-sex divorces, including for those who were common law married.  I make it a priority to stay informed on changes in Colorado LGBT family law.  I can help you understand and navigate the changing law and deal with the legal questions specific to your case.

If you’re contemplating divorce, or are already in divorce proceedings, call me at (303)-832-2599.

Denver, Colorado Non-Traditional Family Law Services

Colorado families are diverse, and becoming more and more so with time – LGBT or same-sex couples with or without children; blended families with both partners or spouses having children from previous relationships and/or a combination of joint and previous children; unmarried couples with children; children born of assisted reproductive technology; children with one biological parent but with two equally devoted parents.

Same Sex Partners - Denver Colorado Lawyer Attorney Family Law Estate Planning Domestic Partnership Dissolution Domestic Partnership Agreement Gay Rights LGBT GLBT

The law affecting these relationships and rights is complicated and evolving.  For instance, there are issues related to LGBT and same-sex couples and common law marriage that are still unanswered in our state law.  I make it a priority to stay informed on changes in Colorado LGBT family law.  I can help you understand and navigate the changing law and deal with the legal questions specific to your case.

Adoption and other methods of securing your parent-child relationship (maternity, paternity) might also be needed.

If you need assistance with your family’s unique situation, call me at (303)-832-2599.


Denver, Colorado Dissolution of Domestic Partnerships

Unmarried couples (LGBT, same-sex, gay, straight) have many, if not all, of the same legal issues as do married couples when their relationships come to an end, but the legal tools we use to assist them are very different.  Without being able to use the divorce laws, we rely on a suite of other laws and legal principles to assist clients to deal with issues such as division of property and child-related issues.  The preferred route is to negotiate a settlement of all issues, but in absence of that, more than one court case might be necessary.  For instance, one to deal with real property and one to deal with custody and other child-related issues.  My experience in navigating the complexities of domestic partnerships can aid you.

If you and your partner are separating, or contemplating separation, call me at (303)-832-2599.

Denver, Colorado Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (Child Custody, Child Support, Parenting Time, Decision-Making)

What used to be called child custody is now divided into three components of “parental responsibilities:” parenting time, decision-making, and child support. Parenting time and decision-making are to be allocated based on what is in the best interest of the child.  Child-related issues can be highly emotional and stress-inducing when going through a divorce or separation, and children can be negatively impacted by their parents’ conflict.  I encourage clients to negotiate their own parenting schedule and decision-making scheme instead of leaving it to the court.  Mediation can help with this process.  After all, you know your children and your ability to work jointly in the children’s best interest far better than the court can ever know, even with thorough and aggressive representation by the parties’ attorneys.

Child support is a right of the child, not the receiving parent. Support is calculated using a statutory formula based on the income of the parents, the number of overnights with each parent, the number of children, health insurance premiums, day care costs, and other variables.

If you are in the midst of a divorce or separation, you need assistance with the many aspects of protecting and providing for your children.  Call me at (303)-832-2599.

Mother and Daughter - Denver Colorado Lawyer Attorney Family Law Estate Planning Domestic Partnership Dissolution Domestic Partnership Agreement Gay Rights Child Custody Adoption Maintenance Child Support

Denver, Colorado Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) Lawyer

Spousal maintenance is often a highly contested issue in divorce, for both LGBT and straight couples.  It may be awarded when the receiving spouse lacks sufficient property to reasonably provide for himself or herself and is unable to support himself or herself through appropriate employment. Factors considered in determining the amount of maintenance include the standard of living during the marriage, the needs of the receiving party, the ability of the obligor to pay, income received from property, health and age of the parties, ability to work, and the length of the marriage.  Colorado has enacted statutory guidelines for the amount and duration of maintenance based on the incomes of the parties and the length of the marriage.  These guidelines, however, are not mandatory and the court may enter orders differing from the guidelines.

If spousal maintenance is an issue in your divorce, call me at (303)-832-2599.

Colorado Attorney for Modification of Court Orders (Parenting Time, Child Support, Spousal Maintenance)

Lives change.  Families and children change.  Circumstances change.  Many different situations might necessitate the modification of court orders regarding child support, parenting time, custody, or spousal maintenance.  For instance, one parent plans to move out-of-state, significant change in income, retirement, etc.  Each one of these situations requires its own unique legal analysis.  And, even if all issues are negotiated and an agreement is reached, that agreement will most likely need to be submitted to the court for approval as the new court order.

If you are facing a change that affects your current court orders, call me at (303)-832-2599 for representation that will guide you through the necessary legal process.

Adding Your Name to Child’s Birth Certificate (Maternity, Paternity)

Are you a non-biological parent to your child?  Are you a parent but not named on the child’s birth certificate?  Maternity and paternity are not defined solely by biology; you do not have to be biologically related to your child to be declared the child’s mother or father.  You may qualify to file a maternity or paternity action and have the court declare you a legal parent to the child and have your name added to the birth certificate.   For example, this option works well for a lesbian mother who is not the birth mother of her child but she and her partner had the child together and raise the child together.  This option eliminates the need for an adoption and is, therefore, often faster and less expensive.

Are you a father wanting to be recognized on your child’s birth certificate?  And want to secure your parental rights such as parenting time and decision-making for your child?  I can help with a paternity action.

Call me at (303)-832-2599 for a consultation to determine the best course of action for your situation.

Father and Baby - Denver Colorado Lawyer Attorney Family Law Estate Planning Domestic Partnership Dissolution Domestic Partnership Agreement Gay Rights Single Parent Child Custody Adoption Spousal Maintenance Child Support LGBT GLBT